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Reiki Treatment

Healing Mentorship & Coaching

Welcome to a world of healing, growth, and self-discovery. Your journey to wholeness begins here.

Shed the Weight of Pain, Grief, Trauma, & Illness

Do you feel like you're in a never-ending loop of 
negative patterns and your health is spiraling out of control?
This is NOT living... and you also have the power to change this!

Together, in our intimate 1-on-1 container, we will remove any
frustration, despair, & paralysis you may be feeling through
deep energy work, subconscious reprogramming, and
daily self-healing activations.

If you are ready to surrender to receiving loving and
intentional support in your healing process, it would be
honor to support you in this life-changing journey.

Feel Safe. Feel Whole.
Feel Healed.

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If you are here then your body is ready to start releasing

what's not serving you.

At the heart of my healing support program lies a profound commitment to your well-being. I understand that your mind, body, and soul deserve the utmost care, and it's with great intention that I offer you daily support on an emotions, mental, & spiritual level.


Here, I create a sacred space for your healing journey, a place where you can shed the weight of pain, trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, and so much more.


This is a journey that promises to bring about positive shifts in every facet of your being.

"You were spot on with your psychic downloads. What I felt during the healing was a soothing gentleness. I kept releasing emotions throughout the day into the night, and I'm still releasing today. I'm grateful." 

- Veronica L.



1 Month - $1500

3 Month - $3

6 Month - $5555


Issues & Topics We Can Conquer Together 

man in spiritual healing mentorship

1 / Healing physical & emotional pain

2 / Learning how to heal yourself

3 / Understanding your healing options outside of our container

4 / Eliminating self-doubt, or fear of rejection & authentic expression.

5 / Deepening your intuition and activating your psychic gifts

6 /  Infertility & pregnancy support

7 / Healing disease & autoimmune issues

8 / Healing from trauma 

9 / Finding inner- completion and wholeness

10 / Navigating grief, anxiety, anger, and depression

11 / Mother, Father, & Sister wounds

What Healing Containers look like with me...

1.Intake Form & Opening Call - We set the intention for our time together, open our portal space, receive an activation, and outline our next steps. After the call, I will create your crystal grid.

2. Schedule Our Zoom Sessions I will send a link for you to schedule your weekly healing / subconscious reprogramming session with me. These will be intuitively guided, taking cues from your specific goals, and agreed upon by client. These are where we will create goals, intentions, and practices for the upcoming week.


3. Daily Energy Clearings & Upgrades  - From day 1, I will start to clear out your chakras and auras so you can feel clear and heal more deeply with ease throughout the day. If any channeled messages come through, I will make sure to tell you.

4. WhatsApp Chat Thread - This is where you will have direct access to me on the daily. You can ask for my guidance on what you are experiencing in your healing, life, relationships, family, business, and more. Or request a focus for your daily clearing. 

5. Closing Ceremony - At the end of our time together, we will close out our container with a celebration over zoom.


What Can You Expect Out This Mentorship?

Healing and Renewal


With daily support, you'll find relief from the burdens that have held you back. I'll guide you through the process of healing, helping you rediscover your innate resilience and strength.

Expanded Awareness


As you walk this path of healing, you'll uncover a deeper understanding of who you are at your core. Discover your purpose in life and connect with a sense of clarity and purpose.


Wholeness and Authenticity


Feel the transformation within yourself as you once again embrace the light and authenticity that defines your true self. My program is designed to guide you back to a state of wholeness, where you can step into your life with pure authenticity.




With healing comes a sense of freedom. Free from the weight of pain, anxiety, and trauma, you'll rediscover the joy of living in the present moment, unburdened by the past.

Client Testimonials

"I can finally say I feel hopeful again" 

- Helen T.

Enjoy These Quick Healings in the Meantime!

Affirm "YES" to yourself or out loud to receive these healings. Relax, breathe, and enjoy!

Have more questions?
Have Questions before Booking? Fill out the below!


  • caitlin strempel healing link to tiktok
  • caitlin strempel on instagram
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